Licensing and Credential Defense (Medical Licensing, Nursing Licensing and Teacher Credential Defense)
For our teacher clients, we will represent you in front of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing ("CCTC") and the Committee of Credentials should the Committee of Credentials open an investigation into your fitness to hold a teaching credential. Past or current teacher clients who are CTA members and who receive a review letter from the Committee should contact their California Teachers Association Staff Representative. Individuals who are not CTA members should contact us directly.
Our expertise with the complicated provisions of the Education Code provide our clients with an advantage when facing potential credential risks. By representing employees in both employment matters and credentialing matters, we are able to streamline our strategies to optimize positive outcomes in both areas. In addition to advising on preventive strategies, should the California Committee of Credentials investigate your fitness to hold a teaching credential, we provide representation throughout the entire process including the investigation, review and administrative hearing phases. We successfully obtained a reversal after an administrative hearing of a recommendation by the Committee of Credentials for revocation of a teacher's teaching credential. Our Sacramento location makes us ideally located to assist you since our offices are close to the office of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
For nurses in California, our depth of experience with the Administrative Procedures Act and with Administrative Hearings, as well as with the Board of Registered Nursing, makes us ideally suited to represent you in front of the Board of Registered Nursing should you have an action with that Board. Our Sacramento office location means that you will pay less in travel time since the Board of Registered Nursing is also in Sacramento. Please call our main line to discuss this representation.
We also have experience in medical licensing cases for doctors. Please call the main office line to discuss this representation.